Wednesday 20 April 2016

The Pleco Fish (Hypostomus Plecostomus)

Hello again!
We would like to officially introduce you guys again our pet fish: the Pleco fish.
The scientific name for a Pleco is called Hypostomus plecostomus
But we’ll just referred to them as Pleco, because it sounds cuter that way J

Our adopted creature: Pleco fish

"We have 3 of them"

So here are some fun facts to begin with:
Did you know that the Pleco belonged to the family of catfishes?
Yes, you can actually notice some familiar features such as their body and mouth
And speaking of mouth, you’ll also hear people often referred Pleco as the suckermouth catfish 
Because of their suckermouth feature, they tend to attach to the walls of the aquarium
And they’ll help you clean off the algae on your aquarium wall, which are also their (favourite) food source by the way

Suckermouth, sourced from
Pleco are usually purchased as pet when juvenile, which measures about 8 cm in length
But they are fast growing and can grow up to 60 cm, so watch out!!!
They are nocturnal, it means they are only active a night
So you can barely see them in action during the day L
And because of their nocturnal behaviour, it’s best if you only feed them when night comes
Besides that, they are quite a shy creature as well
So it is advisable to give them some hiding places in the aquarium

And last, but not least………
It is advised that you feed these funny looking fishes with sinking fish food
But did you know if throw in some floating pellets……
They’ll actually swim upside-down to eat the food?
But that won’t be a nice way to treat your pet though….
There are so much more we wish we could share with you today, but until then…..
Have a nice day and good bye J


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