Monday 18 April 2016

Introducing The Team

Hi everyone!!

We are a group of 4 soon-to-graduate Chemical Engineering students here at Taylor's University, Malaysia pursuing our final semester. In this semester, we have the privilege to choose the Engineering and Biomimetics as part of our elective modules. As part of this module's assessment, we are required to adopt a living creature and study its characteristics within 14 weeks of the academic semester. We are required to observe our adopted creature and express all the findings via this blog. Throughout these 14 weeks, we will  be sharing our thoughts and information with you guys on our choice of pet for this module. 

          Our group consists of 4 members, with Lee Pak Kee as our group leader, followed by Ivan Chai Voon Kian, Ang Sie Kian and Ang Sie Kiong. 

Our group members, from the left: Ang Sie Kiong, Ang Sie Kian, Lee Pak Kee and Ivan Chai Voon Kian

Here we would like to show you all our planned schedule throughout the semester which serves as a guideline on what we will be sharing with you weekly. 

Week Updates
3 Group members introduction
4 Adopted creature introduction
5-6 Literature review
7 Examples of inspiration
8-9 Proposal of first design
10 Reversed engineering worksheet
11 Individual reflection
12 Conclusion of assignment

So... Stay tuned for more updates on this blog and don't forget to share this page around with your friends and family! :) 

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