Saturday 23 April 2016

A Week After The Adoption

It's been a week since we adopted our Plecos
Nothing much to share on today's post
Just want to update our viewers on the well-being of our Plecos

So far our Plecos have been adapting well to their new home
We have been feeding them sinking-type fish food for a week 
And night time is when the Pleco is active and start to eat
A word of advice is to only drop in the fish food when night comes

Sinking pellets fish food

It is pointless to drop in the food during the day as they won't eat it
The food will just gradually absorb the water and it turned bad by night time 
And we don't want our dearest Plecos to consumed food that turn bad!
So we make it a habit of dropping in the food before we go to bed J
In the next morning, we noticed the food has been eaten, hooray!
But they don't eat a lot though
That's okay, as long they eat some J

Besides that, we have also received oxygen pump that was donated by one of our coursemates
THANK YOU Romilda Anne!!!!!!!!
All we need is to purchase the stone........for RM 1

So within hours since we installed the air stone
One of our Plecos falls in love with it instantly!
Have a look!!!

Our Pleco enjoying the air bubble massage J

Well, that's all for today
We'll keep you guys posted

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