Sunday, 19 June 2016

Some AMAZING facts on Pleco

Pleco, Plecostomus, common algae sucker, is the algae eater fish commonly found in fish tanks at home. They are silent workers. They never disturb any other fish and they are good. Several things we did not know about this amazing fish which we think you need to know. Pleco can survive without water longer than any other fish can. BUT Ttis does not mean that you try this out by taking the pleco out of your aquarium. Hypostomus Plecostomus are able to breathe atmospheric oxygen. If the air pump on your tank ever fails, your pleco will survive for some time because they are able to shoot to the surface and take a gulp of air.

FACT#1 : Plecos surviving without water for 4 HOURS!
The owner of the video below actually describes that his beloved pleco has survived without water for 4 hours! Check out the video!

Fact#2: They love sucking!
Put your hand into the aquarium and they will eventually just suck on your hand just like their kissing you!

Fact#3: They are tough fellas.
Yes! Even Piranhas are scared of them! Remember to not make your pleco angry!

Fact#4: They eat cucumber.
Look at the pleco in the video below! So cute! 

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